Monday, September 19, 2005

An overwhelming prayer list

Have you ever been overwhelmed by your prayer list?

I have what I call, my “refrigerator” list. It began as a small list of people that I wanted to be reminded to pray for, more often than “specific” prayer times. I would see this list on the refrigerator as I passed by “a hundred” times a day, and I’d lift them up in what A.W. Tozer calls “countless thought prayers.”

As time went on, names kept getting added to the list until today the page is covered, and names are written in margins, along the edge and scribbled even between other names. And I, at times, am overwhelmed by it all.

How do I pray for all these people? What about all the others with the same or similar situations? And, what do I say when I don’t know what to say…?

One day as I was looking at the list I began thinking about the “list” as a whole. I thought, “There must be others with the same dilemma. How would I tell them to pray?” And this prayer was born…

Prayer List Prayer

Father, I lift up to You today, Your servants of the Kingdom. I lift up those who are doing battle - those who are fighting the good fight; those who are running the race, who are staying the course.
I lift up those who are striving on to perfection, those who are children in the faith, and those who are unaware, or worse, uncaring.

I lift them up by name:
(Look at your list. Read off the names, remembering and praying for each person’s need as you know it.)

I lift them up by occupation:
(As you’re looking at your list, pray for others of their occupation. For instance, if someone on your list is a nurse, lift up other nurses, members of the medical field, and those for whom they will be caring this day . If someone is a teacher, lift up teachers of all kinds and their students, etc.)

I lift them up by affliction:
(If someone is sick, lift up others with the same sickness. If someone is traveling, lift up others who are traveling for business or pleasure. If someone is an unbeliever, lift up other unbelievers.)

Father, as I see faces with each name, I know that you see hearts, spirits and souls. Touch them I pray. Speak to their hearts and meet their needs. Strengthen their spirits, and comfort their souls. May they hear Your call and come to know the Joy of the Lord.

Father, I pray that in all we say and in all that we do, Your Name may be praised and glorified.
In Jesus’ Name,

Betty Newman


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