This was written a few Sundays ago...
We had a special service at Church today. It was carried out by the “Special Friends” ministry of Mount Harmony Baptist Church. “Special Friends” is the name of a group of “Special Needs” children and adults.
It was such a touching service - seeing these people with such severe handicaps being so open and loving in their service to God. When it was over, there wasn’t a dry eye in the place.
They had 2-3 small skits which showed love and caring for each other, and in between the skits, some of the mothers gave testimonies about caring for children such as these. My heart ached, just listening to them.
The last “skit” was especially touching. Each child came to the altar to “Jesus” with “needs” listed on their backs, such as leprosy, blindness, deafness, abuse, crippled, etc. But when a man came in carrying a small severely retarded little boy, I just “lost it!”
However, it was through this service that God spoke to my heart, yet again.
I have been praying for a long time for God to use me - to use my “gifts” which I believe He has given me. I keep saying, “Lord, I just want to do something for you.”
As I was watching these mothers, and these children, I “heard” God say, “If I asked you, would you do this?”
God! My heart just broke in two. For a split second, I hesitated. I could not give a resounding “Yes, Lord! Whatever You ask, I’ll do!” I hesitated. Could I really do this? Would God really ask me to do this?
Now - I know I won’t have any more children. But what could happen to the ones I have? And what about any grandchildren that may come along? Could I really do this?
I thought about it and struggled with it all day. I even asked, “What choice would I have? If God deems it necessary to allow this in my life, what choice do I have to accept it or not?
But finally, I came to this answer. If God allows this struggle into our lives, then He alone will give the strength to carry the load. I can’t jump up and say, “Bring it on, Lord. I’ll do anything You ask me to do!” I can’t be, like Peter thought he was, assured of my strength. But then, Peter wasn’t as strong as he thought he was, either. Maybe I’m just being more honest by hesitating - by saying, “I don’t know” than Peter and the disciples were by saying, “To the death, Lord, I’ll follow you.
But then, God already knows that, doesn’t He…
Betty Newman ©April 10, 2005