Sunday, October 23, 2005

I thought of you this morning...

I am sending this out to my weekly e-mail list this week.

When anyone e-mails me to be added to the weekly list, they receive an e-mail late Sunday night or early Monday morning. My hope is that it is in their mail first thing Monday morning as an encouagement for the week.

Sometimes it is posted here - sometimes not. Feel free to e-mail if you'd like to be added to the list.


I thought of you this morning…

It has simply amazed me how this Prayerlogue “e-list” has grown.

What began as about a half dozen women friends that I was praying for, has grown into a rather huge weekly mailing of folks from all across the country (and even one, that I know of, overseas.)

Most of you I know - many I do not. Some are pastors, some are business owners, many are teachers and one, I found after a long time of not recognizing the e-mail, was a relative! God is so amazing, is He not?!

I just want you to know, I pray for you often. I think about you through the week, as I ask God what He would have me pray for you; what He would have me send you that will encourage you and uplift you.

As I post the addresses, I look at each one, and if I know you, I “see” your face. If I don’t know you, I quote Ezekiel as he said, “Lord, Thou knowest…” And if I know a specific need, I lift that up.

For instance, I know this past week, one’s father had open heart surgery, and one lost their father-in-law very suddenly. One is dealing with the tragic loss of her husband, and several are doing the “sandwich thing” of caring for children and parents - I pray for these things.

I am writing this on Sunday morning. We are having Homecoming today, and while I was doing my cooking, for some reason you came to mind. (I’m making chicken and dumplins - if you want my recipe, let me know, and I’ll send it.) So, just as soon as I got things cooking, I sat down to write this, for I’ve learned, if I don’t write as I’m thinking/praying it will leave me. And, at least that lesson I’ve learned.

So, as you read this Monday morning (or whenever) know that YOU are being prayed for.

Father, these men and women who listen for Your voice, I pray, that You will hear theirs. Hear their cries of anguish, reassure their hearts in pain, and strengthen their weary souls.

Lord, as we live in this fallen world, we live with suffering every day. But we cling to Your promise that You will never leave us nor forsake us. Comfort us, Lord as we wonder sometimes, “how long, oh Lord, how long…”

Then, reassure us as we look to Your coming in Glory, and may we have the courage to say, “Maybe today, Lord. Maybe today…”

In Jesus’ name - Amen.



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