Tuesday, February 06, 2007

In the Midst of This and That (Daily Prayer)

Lord, as I bow this morning, I’m just silent, letting the Spirit “groan” in my place. I am so overwhelmed Lord - not just with burdens, but with blessings as well. I don’t know where to start.

You have blessed us “exceedingly, abundantly, above all we could ask or think” and we are so grateful - so humbled…

But, we also know - “to whom much is given, much is required” and we’ve been given sooo much, and yes Lord, sooo much is required of us as well.

We used to pray, “as soon as ‘this’ is over” - “as soon as ‘that’ is over”… But the longer we live Lord, the more we see that “this” and “that” is a part of life, and we must learn to seek Your face in the midst of this and that, or we’ll never see You.

We smile when we think of the phrase, and “hear” the nasally voice saying, “It’s always something…” but we must also admit the reality of that statement - for there is always “something” keeping us from time with You - there is always “something” to do.

And so Father, as I begin this day I pray, guide my hands, my feet, my mouth - and my “to do” list, that though it may never be written or spoken, that first on my list may be “seek the Lord while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near…” even in the midst of “this” and “that”…

In Jesus’ Name - amen.


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